2 years ago

Tree #59

Owned by 265Ef0

Location: Kakamega County, Kenya
Species: Markhamia lutea
Transaction: 74a75a


Restoring the last fragment of tropical rainforest in Kenya

Restoring Kakamega Forest in Kenya


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Partner Description

Working with the local community to restore rainforest that support local water sources.

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This project plants 15 species:

Cordia abyssinica
Maeopsis eminii
Olea Africana
Markhamia lutea
Croton macrostachyus
Bischofia javanica
Croton megalocarpus
Vitex keniensis
Bridelia micrantha
Trichilia emetica
Pligia unigicata
Antiaris toxicaria
Prunus Africana
Olea welwitschia
Polyscias kikuyuensis

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